Piano sydd yn adnabyddus ar draws y byd! Dyma offeryn sydd hefo sain deinamig a phwerus, ac ‘action’ heb ei ail!
Cyffyrddiad braf trwyddi, ac edrychiad slic mewn polish du! Wedi’i gwneuthuro o gwmpas 1985.
Gwarant 12 mis, ac wedi ei gwirio gan ein technegwyr profiadol.
Prisiau yn dechrau o £3999.00
A perennial favourite among discerning pianists, the Yamaha U1 offers outstanding musical performance, setting the standards by which many other upright pianos are measured.
Made around 1985, this instrument has a polished black case, a powerful sound and a lovely action.
12 month warranty.
Workshop inspected by our technicians.
Prices starting from £3999.00
H1210mm W1530mm D610mm
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